Photo of Antonio De Irun Spain

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Antonio de Irún (English)Having worked in the advertising world for over 20 years as an art director and illustrator, the Spanish artist Antonio de Irun looking further his own career. Painting is the only logical direction that could take your experience, your personal tastes, desires and training.Although his paintings are realistic, his goal is to create, through overlapping and play media brush, the illusion of depth and sense of presence beyond what is in the pictures. The subjects of many

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2016, AVATARTE
  • 2016, DAVID BARDIA
  • 2016, WARF San Francisco
  • 2015, San Francisco
  • 2006, Lum Gallery New York
  • 1998, Ilustradores contra la parede

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See everything we offer you!
19.69 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
8.27 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 8.27 in
31.50 x 47.24 in
16.54 x 11.81 in
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Antonio de Irún (English)Having worked in the advertising world for over 20 years as an art director and illustrator, the Spanish artist Antonio de Irun looking further his own career. Painting is the only logical direction that could take your experience, your personal tastes, desires and training.Although his paintings are realistic, his goal is to create, through overlapping and play media brush, the illusion of depth and sense of presence beyond what is in the pictures. The subjects of many of his works explore the relationship of light with reflective and transparent surfaces such as windows.All his work pursues one goal: to tell a story that expresses the voyeur vision, to create an image where you feel like a spectator who finds motivation to evoke a story.In constant research of the infinite possibilities of textures, qualities and nuances. Antonio de Irun uses acrylics, airbrush, watercolor and pencil as his preferred materials.

Collective Exhibitions (Selection)• Ilustradores contra la pared Madrid y Barcelona, 1985• Galería Concha Barrios, 1985-1990• Demurcia Galería de Arte, 1987-1991• Galería Heller, 1996• Jeff Lum, NYC (USA), 2000• Exposición de los Bambús-Aguirre Newman, Madrid 2003• Fisherman´s Gallery, San Francisco (USA), 2015• Galería David Bardía, 2016

Public Commissions• Parque Tecnológico ACTIU, Alicante (España)

Awards• Centro cultural Majadahonda, 1990• XVI Premio de Pintura BMW. Madrid, 2001• Avatarte (Centro cultural San Chinarro), 2016

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